Network Topology Types and Rx/Tx Ethernet Port Group Settings

Initial HA configuration depends on how you want to deploy your HA system in the network. The Maintenance interface, which is used for the HA link between Active and Redundant units, can use a dedicated Ethernet Device and Ethernet Group, or share the same Ethernet Device and Ethernet Group with other IP network interface types (such as OAMP, Media and Control). However, it is recommended that you configure the Maintenance interface with a dedicated Ethernet Device and Ethernet Group (port) to separate it from other IP network interfaces

If you want to separate the Maintenance interface from other interfaces, the separation must also be done externally to the units, either physically (different physical networks) or logically (using VLANs). When using VLANs, make sure that you use a different Ethernet Device for each IP network interface (see Configuring Underlying Ethernet Devices and Configuring IP Network Interfaces).

The Maintenance interface is used for heartbeats and data transfer from active to standby device and therefore, any short interval interruption in communication may cause undesired switchovers.
If you assign the same Underlying Ethernet Device to all the IP network interfaces, logical separation of traffic may not occur.

The Maintenance interface can employ Ethernet port redundancy (recommended), by using two ports. This is enabled by configuring the Ethernet Group associated with the Maintenance interface with two ports. For the SBC Virtual Edition (VE): Ethernet port redundancy is not relevant as the virtual NIC ("port") is logical and always available. Therefore, it is sufficient to configure the Ethernet Group with only one port member. To employ Ethernet port redundancy, you need to configure the virtual switch of the hypervisor for Ethernet port redundancy (or bonding) with the physical NICs. Refer to your hypervisor’s support material on how to do this.

(Applicable only to Mediant SE) The required receive (Rx) and transmit (TX) mode for the port pair in the Ethernet Group used by the Maintenance interface is as follows:

(Recommended Physical Connectivity) If the Maintenance ports of both devices are connected directly to each other without intermediation of switches, configure the mode to 2RX/1TX:

If the two devices are connected through two (or more) isolated LAN switches (i.e., packets from one switch cannot traverse the second switch), configure the mode to 2RX/2TX:

For Geographical HA (both units are located far from each other), 2Rx/1Tx port mode connected to a port aggregation switch is the recommended option:

When two LAN switches are used, the LAN switches must be in the same subnet (i.e., broadcast domain).
Don't use port mode REDUN_1RX_1TX for the Maintenance interface where the Ethernet cables are connected back to back between the two devices (as both sides may choose different ports, resulting in disconnected traffic).
To configure Rx/Tx modes of the Ethernet ports, see Configuring Ethernet Port Groups